Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Men Beyond 50 Join MENSPEAK to form new London group

Men Beyond 50, who recently relaunched their website, have joined forces with MENSPEAK Men's Groups to run Open Men's Groups in London for men over 50.

They say this will be a safe space for men over 50 to discuss anything and everything they wish, from health and relationships to money and retirement and everything in between. The men present in the group decide what's discussed in the group.

The name of the game is self awareness
. No one tells anyone else what to, or what not to do. We share our thoughts and experiences and respectfully challenge one another.

The middle name (of the game) is hanging out with other men. Clean male company, comparing notes and having a laugh. Not a therapy group, our space is more a quick, slick check-in, providing invaluable insights for daily life.

The surname is Bond (no, not James!) With the depth and same-sidedness we naturally slip into, it would be weird not to. This is where a load of men can get together and be on the same side with what we have in common.

OPEN GROUPS: (open to all men, 50+ or interested in 50+ issues) 3rd Monday of the month - 6.45pm for a 7pm start. Doors close 7.10pm. 9.30pm ends. £20 (£15)

For more information see MENSPEAK/MB50 on Meetup

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