Friday, 12 April 2013

News Update #4 April 2013

Have a read of this month's news update if you want to:
  • Respond to our invitation to help us create The Big Man Gathering 2
  • Find out about some great events for men of faith and spirit
  • Read about Men Beyond 50 joining forces with MENSTALK in London 
  • Hear about this month's featured men's event - a retreat with David Polak 
  • Get an overview of a wide range of men's events happening in April and May 
  • Find out about Simon Jacob's new London Men's Group
  • Think about joining an integral men's group 
  • Consider writing about men and men's issues 
Help Us Create The Big Man Gathering 2013

Last year a number of men's groups came together to create the first ever "Big Man Gathering" together and now we've started to plan the Big Man Gathering 2. It's scheduled to take place near Brighton at the end of September and we'd love to hear from you if want to get involved this year. Read more here.......

Faith-baased men's groups on the rise 

Faith-based men's groups are becoming more popular in the UK hosting some great events listed on this site like Wanted in Scotland,the Authentic Men Weekend in Wales and the Christian Vision for Men(CVM) June gathering near Swindon

We are planning to bring some of these groups together at a "men of faith and spirit" event as part of this year's Third National Conference for Men and Boys. If you'd like to find our more about this event click here now.....

Men Beyond 50 joining forces with MENSTALK in London 

It's always great to see different men's groups building relationships and finding ways of working together. One example is the expansive Men Beyond 50 who have now joined forces with Kenny D'Cruz's MENSPEAK to create a new men's group in London for guys over 50. To find out more follow this link......

Events For Men In April and May

Our list of events for men around the UK is steadily growing with the listings for the next weeks alone featuring MensCraft, the ManKind Project, MALE Men’s Rites of Passage, the Brahma Kumaris, Noble Man and  Nick Clements, to name but a few.

We'd also like to remind you that men across Europe (and that includes men from the UK) are gathering in Germany in May for an International Symposium. If you want to take part in this international event see the website here for more information see the Men-Maenner website.

For a list of events in April and May click here and for a list of events throughout 2013 see here. 

Weekend Retreat With David Polak 

Our featured event this month is David Polak's weekend retreat which takes place in the Newmarket area (31 May to 2 June).

The retreat - called 'Crossing The Threshold' will use a variety of creative methods, including group work, time in nature, music and ritual. 

New Men's Group With Simon Jacobs

Thanks to Simon Jacobs for sending us information about his new Mens' Group starting in London in May. To read more about Simon's work click here now....

Do you want to join or start an Integral Men's Group?

A group of men in Brighton are running an Integral Men's Group with the intention of developing a template that you can use to start your own integral men's group if you want to. The project is in its early stages and if you want to join or connect or find out more follow this link......

Do You Have Something You Want To Say About Men

I am working on a new project to give people who have something to say about men and men's stuff a platform. The project is in partnership with an existing online magazine with around 10 million readers. If you are interesting in writing about men, men's work, men's issues etc and want a bigger audience do drop me a line to

That's All Folks.......

To see previous news updates, click here now and if you have an item you'd like to see included in our May news update please contact by Friday 26 April. 

And do please feel free to forward a link to this page to everyone you know who will be interested. 

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Some events for men in April/May

APRIL 2013

Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th April: MensCraft Dads and Kids Weekend, Norfolk

Friday 10th May to Sunday 12th May: Keeping The Edges Hot,  (County Durham)

Sunday 14th April: Men's Lodge gathering with MensCraft in Norwich

Friday 19th – Sunday 21st April: The ManKind Project Adventure TrainingApplecross, Scotland

Sunday 21st April: Going Beyond The Hero with MensCraft in Norwich

Saturday 20th April: Spirituality and Men, Essence and Expansion, Hove, with the Brahma Kumaris

MAY 2013

Thurs 2nd – Sun 5th May: A Celebration of the Noble Man, Isle of Wight

Friday 10th and Sunday 12th May: MensCraft Nurturing The Sacred Masculine, Norfolk

Saturday 11th May: Spirituality and Men, Self-honesty without self-disempowerment, Hove, with the Brahma Kumaris

Saturday 11th May: MROP men's meeting (Upholland, West Lancashire)

Monday 13th May - Friday 17th May: Eco-building volunteer week at Hazel Hill in Wiltshire

Thursday 16th - Saturday 19th May: Authentic Men Conference (Wales)

Friday 17th – Sunday 19th May: Men Beyond 50, Exploring Elderhood, Hazel Hill Wood, Wiltshire

Sunday 18th May: MensCraft Moot in Norwich 

Monday 20th May - Friday 24th May: Green woodworking and eco-building training week at Hazel Hill in Wiltshire

Thursday 23rd to Sunday 26th May 2013: International Symposium for Men, Frankfurt

Friday 25th May: Men Together inter-generational workshop with Nick Clements (Stroud) 

Friday 31st May to Sunday 2nd June: 'Crossing the Threshold', Men's Weekend Retreat with David Polak

Help Us Create The Big Man Gathering 2013

Would you like to join us in creating the “Big Man Gathering 2” as part of the Third National Conference for Men and Boys this September?

We’d love your support in building on the success of last year’s event which brought together a mix of men’s groups and men’s work practitioners to create a unique shared experience for around 80 men.

This year we will be holding the event over the weekend of September 28th and 29th in an outdoor setting near Brighton & Hove. You can get involved in just one of the days if you want to or camp overnight and enjoy a great evening around the campfire so you can take part in both days.

If you like would to be involved in this year’s event as participant, a facilitator or a volunteer please get in touch.

More details from

Llansor Mill Men's Group (Wales)

Llansor Mill Men's Group (Wales) meets in two different ways, both of which are roughly at 3-month intervals, so there is something going on roughly every six weeks - all of which all men are welcome to attend. 
We meet on a Thursday evening [4th Thursday of the month] from 7.30-9.45. The planned dates for the first half of 2013 are:
Thursday 24 January
Thursday 25 April
Thurday 25 July.
The group also meets for  full-day Saturday, or full weekend events. For these, men can camp or stay in the Bunkhouse and / or Poustinia. The planned  dates for 2013 are:
Friday-Sunday 1-3 February
Saturday 18 May
Saturday 14 September
Saturday 16 November
For more information see the Llansor Mill Men's Group Page

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Men Of Faith And Spirit Conference Planned For 2013

Would like to be part of a pioneering interfaith conference for about men, boys and spirituality?

As part of the Third National Conference For Men And Boys in September 2013 we are planning to include – for the first time – a day dedicated to ‘Men Of Faith And Spirit’.

The organizers are now looking for people to help us create this event which will aim to:
  • Explore how we can get men and boys more involved in faith communities and spiritual practice
  • Consider how faith groups and spiritual practice can help address some of the societal problems men and boys face (and celebrate some of the great work that people are already doing)
  • Connect people from different faith communities and spiritual groups who are interested in or already committed to working with men and boys, so we can learn from each other
The event will be held on either Saturday 28th or Sunday 29th September in or near to Brighton & Hove

Right now we have four questions to ask you about this event and would love to hear back from you as follows:
  • Would you and your group or community like to take part in this event?
  • Do you know of other people, groups, communities who you think we should contact?
  • Do you have any thoughts or suggestions on what you’d like to see happen on this day – talks, workshops, debates, worship etc?
  • Do you have any other questions, observations, ideas etc at this stage?
If the answer to any of these questions is YES and you want to get in touch please send an email or call:

Tricia McLeod on 07973 468241
Glen Poole on on 07981 334222

Brighton Integral Men's Group

The AllMen Project piloted an Integral Men's Group in Brighton this year and it is now running every fortnight. 

If you are interested in joining a men's groups that uses an Integral framework then read here to find out more.

Weekend Retreat With David Polak

David Polak is hosting a men’s weekend retreat in  Newmarket this May/June (details below)

David trained for five years at the Gestalt Centre in London and achieved a Master of Arts degree in Psychotherapy. He says he has developed a down to earth and professional approach to his work following many years working in different settings, including adult mental health services, adolescent care and a GP's surgery.

David facilitates regular men’s groups from his practice his London and is inviting men to join him on his next Weekend Retreat.

'Crossing the Threshold' - Weekend Retreat for Men!

May 31st to June 2nd 2013

At different times in our lives we find ourselves facing changes.
This weekend retreat is a place to explore and confront what may be preventing you from 'crossing the threshold' from one stage of your life into the next, with the help and support of other men on a similar journey. We will be using a variety of creative methods, including group work, time in nature, music and ritual.

Places are limited, so book early to avoid disappointment.

Date: - May 31st to June 2nd 2013
Cost: - £225
Venue: - Old Stable House Retreat Centre, Newmarket

Contact: David Polak on 07847 279246 or email

Men Beyond 50 Join MENSPEAK to form new London group

Men Beyond 50, who recently relaunched their website, have joined forces with MENSPEAK Men's Groups to run Open Men's Groups in London for men over 50.

They say this will be a safe space for men over 50 to discuss anything and everything they wish, from health and relationships to money and retirement and everything in between. The men present in the group decide what's discussed in the group.

The name of the game is self awareness
. No one tells anyone else what to, or what not to do. We share our thoughts and experiences and respectfully challenge one another.

The middle name (of the game) is hanging out with other men. Clean male company, comparing notes and having a laugh. Not a therapy group, our space is more a quick, slick check-in, providing invaluable insights for daily life.

The surname is Bond (no, not James!) With the depth and same-sidedness we naturally slip into, it would be weird not to. This is where a load of men can get together and be on the same side with what we have in common.

OPEN GROUPS: (open to all men, 50+ or interested in 50+ issues) 3rd Monday of the month - 6.45pm for a 7pm start. Doors close 7.10pm. 9.30pm ends. £20 (£15)

For more information see MENSPEAK/MB50 on Meetup

MROP North West Meeting

Upholland, West Lancashire, Saturday May 11th, 2013, 10:00-16:00 with the option of some time around a fire afterwards. Contribution towards the cost of the day will be no more that £15 

The idea is for men who have done the Men's Rites Of Passage to bring those who might be thinking of doing the Rites with them.

There will be drumming, silence, ritual, sharing and teaching. All are welcome.

Host and contact is Patrick Ryan, email

MALEs Men's Group (Birmingham)

The MALEs (Men As Learners and Elders) group in Birmingham is the local group for men interested in spirituality connected to the MROP (Men’s Rites Of Passage) training. 

They meet on Wednesdays in Selly Oak, if you're interested contact Peter Fishpool on 07814 781473

Authentic Men Weekend Conference (Wales)

Authentic 2013 is transformational weekend that offers a unique and life-changing journey into the heart of a man. In the midst of the beautiful Welsh countryside you will explore how to live life as it was meant to be lived. 

You will process life’s big issues with freedom and honesty, such as fatherhood, sonship, calling, wounds and your relationship with God. This weekend could be one of the most liberating experiences of your life.

Based on the book “Wild at Heart” by John Eldredge.This weekend is based on the message of Wild at Heart by John Eldredge and delivered by a group of men from Kenilworth, Warwick, Winchester and London.

The team are running Authentic 2013 because each team member has been personally transformed by the experience of a similar event. Our hope, prayer and belief is that Authentic 2013 will powerfully impact the lives of those who come

For more information see

MEN'S GROUP in Central London

A new Men's Group facilitated by psychotherapist Simon Jacobs is starting in Central London on Monday 13th May 2013. 

It promises a supportive way to explore your issues with other men; discover what masculinity means to you; make new friends and connections and benefit from the unique experience of being part of a group.

The group runs on Monday evenings for 2 hours in Regent St, London W1.

The group will run with 6-10 men for 3 'terms' a year, each lasting 12 weeks.
The cost is £35 per evening.

Men are welcome to join the group for one 12 week term only or to remain in the group as a long-term member.

Simon says he has attended workshops and sat in groups with men for a number of years - experiences that have lead him to believe in the unique and healing power of a men's group. 

In addition to his work with individuals at his practice on Regent Street, he runs groups at the Priory Hospital, north London.

Who Can Join? 

The group is open to men from any faith or culture. Straight, gay, single, married, divorced...whatever your status, you will benefit from the group if you have the courage and curiosity to discover more about yourself; a willingness to listen to others; can give and receive feedback with the aim of obtaining greater self-awareness and insights into the habitual roles, patterns and beliefs which may be preventing you from leading a rewarding life.

The group can support you with issues such as: anger/rage, addiction, depression, loneliness, relationship problems or simply if you want to discover and learn more about your journey through life as a man.

How to Join

For more information call 07740 535399 or email to arrange a meeting with to discuss the group and find out more. This meeting costs nothing and there is no commitment if you feel the group is not right for you.

Go to to see recent blog about the men's group

Reclaiming Teenage Fire Weekend Training (Bristol)

Journeymanuk is hosting its Reclaiming Teenage Fire training in Bristol over the weekend of 5th -7th July.

An experiential training for men, potential mentors, and fathers. 

• Do you remember your ambitions and dreams from your teenage years?

• Is your life as you thought it would be?

• Are you the man you thought you would become?

• What opportunities and challenges did these years bestow upon you?

This training is open to ALL men. It is a great introduction to what is referred to as ‘men’s work’ as well as adding to the experience of those already engaged on a journey of self-discovery. Designed to support you in exploring, embracing and acknowledging your teenage experience, it will help you understand how that experience still affects you and those around you today.

Please note...this residential weekend is a very deep dive into the realm of your own adolescent experience. It will positively and fundamentally change your relationship to your own experience at that time and also bring insight into the present in a vary tangible way. Only attend if you want change.


So much of what happens in our adolescents contributes to the shape our lives take on in adulthood.

Through a combination of dialogue, small-group exercises and personal reflection time, you will be invited to look back in time from the place of your adult-self. With guidance and support you will be encouraged to share honestly about your experience and in doing so, often gain new insight into the key events of your life. This new awareness often allows many positive changes to start flowing, the effects of which ripple out into your life.

The primary purpose of this training is to educate potential mentors about their own experience of adolescence so that they are best placed to serve the boys stepping up to attend a Rite of Passage Adventure Weekend or RoPAW and JGroups.

It also stands alone as a powerful weekend of personal development*. Moreover it is a safe and confidential space in which to experience, perhaps for the first time, what it is like to be present in the company of men with a shared positive intention: namely to improve their lives and in doing so, make their unique contribution towards securing a
healthy future for all.

"All adult men should experience this." Chris, Bristol.

"Exemplary" James, Bristol.

Please note...this residential weekend is a very deep dive into the realm of your own adolescent experience. It will positively and fundamentally change your relationship to your own experience at that time and also bring insight into the present in a vary tangible way. Only attend if you want change.

Attending an RTF is mandatory for any man who wishes to staff the RoPAW, scheduled for September 2013.

Full price per person = £275.00

Early bird / group discounts are available.

• Individual - £225.00 (paid in full by 1/6/13)
• Two person booking - £400.00 (paid in full by 1/6/13)
• Four person booking - £750.00 (paid in full by 1/6/13)

To secure your place a non-refundable deposit of £50.00 PP is required.

Bursary places are limited and at JMUK's discretion.

The weekend is open to a maximum of 14 participants. (+ 6 staff)

Email us at for further information.

Spirituality And Men Group (Hove)

Spirituality and Men is a self-development meeting for men aiming to explore the spirit of man through information, dialogue, honest interaction and the silence of meditation.

Saturday 20th April: Essence and expansion. Maintaining our spiritual essence without becoming diluted in the expansion of our lives.

Saturday 11th May: Self-honesty without self-disempowerment. Turn weakness into strength with positivity and self-respect.

Saturday 15th June: Nerves of steel or silk! Bring calmness and stability through stillness and silence.

Saturday 20th July: How to turn your world around? Unearth your spiritual treasures to transform your world.

Saturday 3rd August: Be a peach, not a walnut! Being soft on the outside, while remaining tough inside.

The events take place between 2.00 – 4.30pm at the Cornerstone Community Centre, Palmeira Square, Church Road, Hove, BN3 2FL.

The Brahma Kumaris Word Spiritual University make no charges for their workshops and voluntary contributions are gratefully accepted.

For more information 01273 279481

2013 Events Archive


Sunday 10th February: MensCraft Men’s Lodge
 10.30 – 5 .00 at The Field, Tuttington, Norfolk

Saturday 16th February: Brahma Kumaris, Spirituality And Men - Understanding The True 'Circle Of Life', 2pm to 4.30pm, Cornerstone Community Centre, Hove

MARCH 2013

Friday 1st – Saturday 2nd March: MKP(US) is hosting a free Online Summit for men called the Power of Purpose (Wed 27 February to Saturday 2 March) 

Friday 1st – Sunday 3rd March: Keeping The Edges Hot weekend retreat, Llansor Mill, Treherbert Road, Caerleon, Newport, NP18 1LS 
Friday 1st – Saturday 2nd March: All The King’s Men, Unity In Diversity, LifeBuilders, NTCG Nottingham,
 Saturday 2nd March: MensCraft ‘Moot’, Women Raising Boys at the 4Women Centre, 18 Colgate, Norwich, NR3 1BQ

Friday 22nd – Sunday 24th March: Journeyman UK, Reclaiming Teenage Fire training course for men, South Gloucester

Friday 22nd – Sunday 24th March: The ManKind Project Adventure Training, The Comb, Northumberland

Saturday 30th March: LifeBuilders Resurrection Breakfast, Jasper Carrott Suite, Birmingham City Football Club, 8.45am - 11.30am

Wanted! Scottish Men's Conference 2013

Wanted is Elim’s regional men’s ministry for Scotland.

Scotland’s first Elim National Men’s Conference took place in May 2012, and the gathering of men from across Scotland is said to have had a significant impact for the men and churches represented. 

Wanted was born out of the heart of several pastors in Scotland to encourage and equip the men in churches, but also to begin the process of helping reach men outside the four walls of the church.
The Wanted Conference 2013 is coming up on Saturday 1st June at Glasgow Elim- more details at and at

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Keeping The Edges Hot (Durham)

Event: Keeping The Edges Hot (Durham)

Date: Friday 12 April 4pm until Sunday 14 April 2pm

Address: St Mary's Centre, Wycliffe, near Barnard Castle, County Durham, DL12 9T

A weekend of music, sharing, drumming, fire, time out in the great outdoors. Some relaxed time, some quite intense.

The event is for men of all backgrounds aged 16 plus. It's gentle in terms of no competition, nothing to achieve, no pressure to share or do anything and a chance of being in a positive male only space. And because 70 plus people have participated in the weekend and loved it. Sleep in a dorm or camp if you like.

The cost is approx £50 per head which covers food, accomodation and materials. There will also be having a pub meal so need to factor that in with any drinks. If you're interested contact Marty:

See this facebook page for more details